Our company has become famous worldwide for the combination of the quality of our products with a modern and efficient company organisation. Thanks to our dense distribution network in every corner of the world, our products are well-known and appreciated and we have become a world leader in the manufacture and distribution of consumable articles for the printing industry.
Innovation, quality, price and service have always been our principal strengths. These are the characteristics that have consolidated our business success over the years.

- Research
- Technology
- Production
- Rapidity
- High Quality
- Guarantee

In 1984, Luca Pavan sets up the company Pavan Forniture Grafiche, a small Veronese enterprise which deals with the sale of consumable articles for the print room. Thanks to his continuous research among the top European manufacturers, and beyond these borders, the company soon distinguishes itself, both in Italy and abroad, for the distribution of high quality products for the print room.
From 1992, there is a significant acceleration in the company’s activity, with the important addition of internal production lines to manufacture many different types of products in response to the requirements for consumables used in the print room. In 2005, in order to set up new production departments and to further expand the warehouse space dedicated to stocking the numerous raw materials used in the production procedures and storage of the articles ready for sale, we see the first expansion of the premises in the acquisition of a second production site of 2,000 sqm.

In 2015 the opportunity to add a second extension of the production facilities arrives, with the purchase of a new building in Dossobuono. This is the start of a three-year period of intense work to rebuild and adapt the premises and in 2018 the new company is completed and in operation: an area of 7500 sqm dedicated to the manufacture and storing of the vast range of products supplied worldwide.
Our mission is to be always at the forefront of the world graphic scenario, both in terms of technology and innovation, in order to guarantee our partners around the globe products of unbeatable quality that fully meet their needs.
Our vision is of an ever more eco-sustainable future that respects the environment. To this end, we make all efforts to respect completely the regulations governing the work environment and the correct use of chemical products, packaging and labelling of our products.
Our priorities are focussed on company welfare and the well-being of our staff, together with a constant monitoring and improving of support and collaboration with our suppliers and stakeholders.